
Hi! I am Peter, a second-year PhD student at MIT CSAIL, co-advised by Mike Cafarella and Mike Stonebraker. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from  the University of Pennsylvania with a BSE degree in Networked & Social Systems Engineering (NETS). Baile (百樂) is my Chinese first name, meaning a hundred happiness.

I am interested in improving the performance of LLMs in the context of information retrieval and complex reasoning. I also work on Machine Learning systems and data management. Previously, I was a member of the Penn Database group advised by Professor Zack Ives, building ML systems. Prior to this, I worked with Professor Oleg Sokolsky from the PRECISE Center on software analysis tools. I was also a member of the Penn Distributed Systems Lab, working with Professor Sebastian Angel and Professor Vincent Liu.

Things I do when I am free = 🏃‍♂️  +  🏊  +  🚴‍♂️