🦫 BEAVER: An Enterprise Benchmark for Text-to-SQL

1MIT, 2AWS AI Labs, 3Amazon, 4Technical University of Munich, 5University of Washington


Existing text-to-SQL benchmarks have largely been constructed using publicly available tables from the web with human-generated tests containing question and SQL statement pairs. They typically show very good results and lead people to think that LLMs are effective at text-to-SQL tasks. In this paper, we apply off-the-shelf LLMs to a benchmark containing enterprise data warehouse data. In this environment, LLMs perform poorly, even when standard prompt engineering and RAG techniques are utilized.
As we will show, the reasons for poor performance are largely due to three characteristics: (1) public LLMs cannot train on enterprise data warehouses because they are largely in the "dark web", (2) schemas of enterprise tables are more complex than the schemas in public data, which leads the SQL-generation task innately harder, and (3) business-oriented questions are often more complex, requiring joins over multiple tables and aggregations.
As a result, we propose a new dataset BEAVER, sourced from real enterprise data warehouses together with natural language queries and their correct SQL statements which we collected from actual user history. We evaluated this dataset using recent LLMs and demonstrated their poor performance on this task. We hope this dataset will facilitate future researchers building more sophisticated text-to-SQL systems which can do better on this important class of data.